“No Match Found” Signal Search Details

The “No Match Found” Signal Search is a new banner specifically designed to boost the obtain rate of the new character Jane Doe. Players need to boost the Signal Search reception rate to have a higher chance of getting the Jane (Anomaly – Physical) character.

“No Match Found” Signal Search Details

"No Match Found" Signal Search Details

The exclusive channel “No Match Found” is almost here. The Signal Search reception rate will be boosted for Jane Doe (Anomaly – Physical)! This is a limited-time banner, so the period to obtain the new character is very short.

Start Date:

The banner event will officially go live on September 4th, 2024, at 12:00:00 server time and end on September 24th, 2024, at 14:59:59 server time. During this short time period, you need to increase the character boost rate to enhance your chances of obtaining Jane Doe.


Access to this banner will only be available to players with an Inter-Knot level of 8 and who have unlocked the Event feature in the Main Story Prologue – Intermission. The good news is that you can test all the agents available in the banner.

Signal Search Details:

During the event, the reception rates for the limited S-Rank Agent Jane (Anomaly – Physical) and A-Rank Agents Seth (Defense – Electric) and Anby (Stun – Electric) are significantly boosted!

Note: The limited S-Rank Agent Jane (Anomaly – Physical) will not be available in the Star-Studded Cast Stable Channel.

After the event ends, A-Rank Agent Seth (Defense – Electric) will be available permanently in the “Star-Studded Cast” Stable Channel from Version 1.2.

This Channel is an Exclusive Channel. The Search count for guaranteed Signals is cumulative across all Exclusive Channels but does not affect or get affected by other types of Channels.

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