Zenless Zone Zero Disk Drives List (ZZZ)
In Zenless Zone Zero, Disk Drives are items that help boost the stats of characters or agents. When the right compatible Disk Drives are equipped, the agents' damage abilities increase significantly. Each character in ZZZ has 6 slots available for equipping Disk Drives. This guide lists all the Disk Drives in Zenless Zone Zero so you can choose the best ones for your agents.

ZZZ Disk Drives Explanation
As mentioned in the section above, Disk Drives in ZZZ are items that help enhance an agent's stats such as HP, ATK, DEF, and more. These enhancements give agents an edge in battle, helping them dominate their enemies.
Each agent can equip 6 Disk Drives, which are marked with different numbers: I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. Additionally, every Disk Drive has one base stat and four substats.
You can equip either 2 or 4 Disk Drives from the same set to unlock set effects.
Disk Drives Stats

Each Disk Drive has 1 main stat and 4 substats.
Here are some updates on the stats for each Disk Drive:
- I - Flat HP
- II - Flat ATK
- III - Flat DEF
- IV - HP%, ATK%, DEF%, CRIT Rate%, CRIT DMG%
- V - HP%, ATK%, DEF%, PEN Ratio%, Attribute Mastery
- VI - HP%, ATK%, DEF%, Anomaly Rate%, Energy Regen%, Impact%
Each Disk Drive has different substats, separate from the main stats. These substats contribute to enhancing the abilities of agents and providing defense during battles.
- Flat HP
- Flat ATK
- Flat DEF
- HP%
- ATK%
- DEF%
- Crit Rate%
- Crit DMG%
- PEN (flat)
- Attribute Mastery
Upgrading Disk Drives
You can upgrade each Disk Drive to increase its stats, with a maximum level of 15 for each one. If you equip all 6 Disk Drives, you can unlock the maximum potential of both main stats and substats.
Main Stats
- HP
Sub Stats
- HP
- HP %
- ATK %
- DEF %
- CRIT Rate %
- Crit DMG %
- Attribute Mastery
Main Stats
- HP
Sub Stats
- HP
- HP %
- ATK %
- DEF %
- CRIT Rate %
- Crit DMG %
- Attribute Mastery
Main Stats
- HP
Sub Stats
- HP
- HP %
- ATK %
- DEF %
- CRIT Rate %
- Crit DMG %
- Attribute Mastery
Main Stats
- HP
- ATK %
- DEF %
- CRIT Rate
- Crit DMG
Sub Stats
- HP
- HP %
- ATK %
- DEF %
- CRIT Rate %
- Crit DMG %
- Attribute Mastery
Main Stats
- HP
- ATK %
- DEF %
- PEN Ratio %
- Attribute Mastery
Sub Stats
- HP
- HP %
- ATK %
- DEF %
- CRIT Rate %
- Crit DMG %
- Attribute Mastery
Main Stats
- HP
- ATK %
- DEF %
- Impact %
- Anomaly Rate %
- Energy Regen %
Sub Stats
- HP
- HP %
- ATK %
- DEF %
- CRIT Rate %
- Crit DMG %
- Attribute Mastery
How to Get Disk Drives

In Zenless Zone Zero, acquiring Disk Drives is a simple process compared to other gacha games.
After visiting the Random Music Store, you can use Plating Agents to unlock different elements and attributes of Disk Drives.
Plating Agents can be obtained from Commissions that require stamina.
As your Account Level increases, the music store will level up, unlocking new features, including new Disk Sets you can obtain.
Tuning Orientation enables you to select a set and increase its drop rate.