Zenless Anton Build (ZZZ)
ZZZ Guide

Anton Overview
Anton Ivanov is an
A-rank character with
Electric attributes. He specializes in
Attack and is a
Pierce-type character who belongs to the
Belobog Heavy Industries. faction. This post covers Anton’s build, W-Engine, Bangboo, Disk Drives, stats, and more information. You can scroll through this post to read the complete build guide.
Anton Basic Skills

Basic Attack

Enthusiastic Drills
Press to activate.
Unleashes up to 4 mixed attacks, dealing with Physical DMG. The 4th-hit is a Piledriver Attack.
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier | 66.1% |
2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier | 90.5% |
3rd-Hit DMG Multiplier | 108% |
4th-Hit DMG Multiplier | 224.2% |
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier | 66.1% |
2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier | 76.3% |
3rd-Hit Daze Multiplier | 78.1% |
4th-Hit Daze Multiplier | 155.5% |

Basic Attack

Enthusiastic Drills (Burst Mode)
Press while Anton is in Burst Mode to activate.
Unleashes up to 3 mixed attacks in front of him, dealing massive Electric DMG. During the 2nd Drill Attack and 3rd Pile Driver Attack, repeatedly pressing or holding to increase the attack duration.
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier | 235.5% |
2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier | 453.1% |
3rd-Hit DMG Multiplier | 446.7% |
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier | 154.7% |
2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier | 297.7% |
3rd-Hit Daze Multiplier | 293.3% |
Anton Special Skills

Special Attack

Spin, Bro!
Press to activate.
Unleashes a Piledriver Attack against enemies in front, dealing Electric DMG. The anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.
DMG Multiplier | 43.4% |
Daze Multiplier | 43.4% |

Special Attack

Explosive Drill (Burst Mode)
Press while in Burst Mode to activate.
Launches a Piledriver Attack at enemies in front, dealing Electric DMG. The anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.
DMG Multiplier | 221.4% |
Daze Multiplier | 186.5% |

EX Special Attack

Smash the Horizon, Bro!
When Anton has enough Energy, Press to activate. Launches several Piledriver Attacks at enemies in a line, dealing massive Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. Anton is invulnerable while using this skill.
After using this skill, Anton enters Burst Mode. In Burst Mode, Anton’s attacks become more powerful, dealing massive Electric DMG while continually consuming Energy upon hitting an enemy. Burst Mode lasts for up to 30 seconds or until his Energy is depleted.
DMG Multiplier | 509.7% |
Daze Multiplier | 334.8% |
Energy Cost | 40 |
In Combat Sustained Energy Consumption | 10/sec% |
Out of Combat Sustained Energy Consumption | 4/sec% |
Anton Dodge Skills

Dodge Attack
Let’s Move
Press to dodge.
A rapid dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Dash Attack

Fire With Fire
Press during a dodge to activate.
Rams into enemies in front of him, dealing Physical DMG.
DMG Multiplier | 67.4% |
Daze Multiplier | 67.4% |

Dodge Counter

Press during a perfect dodge to activate.
Continuously strikes enemies in front, dealing with Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
DMG Multiplier | 271.2% |
Daze Multiplier | 231.7% |

Dodge Counter

Overload Drill (Burst Mode)
While in Burst Mode, press during a Perfect Dodge to activate.
Launches a Drill Attack at enemies in front of him, dealing massive Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable during the attack.
DMG Multiplier | 522.3% |
Daze Multiplier | 330.1% |
Anton Chain Skills

Chain Attack

Go Go Go!
When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the Agent to activate. Unleashes a Piledriver Attack onto the ground in front over a large area, dealing massive Electric DMG to enemies within range. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
DMG Multiplier | 635.7% |
Daze Multiplier | 236.7% |


Go Go Go Go Go!
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate.
This unleashes a Pile Driver Attack onto the ground in front of Anton, covering a large area and dealing massive Electric DMG to enemies within range. Anton is invulnerable while using this skill.
DMG Multiplier | 1556.3% |
Daze Multiplier | 445% |
Anton Core Skills

Core Passive
Brothers in Arms!
When Anton uses his Pile Driver Attack, its damage increases by 12%. When he uses his Drill Attack, his damage increases by 17.5%.

Additional Ability
When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction: While Anton is in Burst Mode and attacking Shocked enemies, every 5 critical hits trigger an additional round of Shock damage, amounting to 30% of the original damage. This effect can trigger once every 0.5 seconds.
Anton Assists Skills

Quick Assist

When the on-field character is launched, press to activate.
Anton continuously delivers powerful punches to enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG. He remains invulnerable during this attack.

Quick Assist

Protective Drill (Burst Mode)
When the on-field character is launched, press to activate.
Anton attacks enemies in front with a powerful Drill Attack, dealing massive Electric DMG. He remains invulnerable during the attack.

Defensive Assist
Iron Wrist
When the character in combat is about to be attacked, press to activate.
Anton parries the enemy’s attack, inflicting massive Daze. This skill is adept at countering enemy assaults and reduces Assist Point consumption during intense attacks. Anton remains invulnerable while using this skill.

Assist Follow-Up

Limit Burst
Press after a Defensive Assist to activate.
Launches a Drill Attack that ends in a Piledriver Attack, dealing with Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
DMG Multiplier | 347.4% |
Daze Multiplier | 282.8% |
Anton Mindscape Cinema

MC 1
Warm-Up Exercises
When Drill Attack hits an enemy, Anton gains additional Energy, up to a maximum of 5 Energy per skill use.

MC 2
State of Flow
When Anton triggers his EX Special Attack and enters Burst Mode, he gains a shield equal to 7.5% of his maximum HP. This shield is reapplied upon entering combat or switching in while in Burst Mode, with a cooldown of 15 seconds. The shield dissipates when Burst Mode ends.

MC 3
Rotational Training
All skill levels +2

MC 4
Everyone Get Fired Up!
When Anton triggers a Chain Attack or Ultimate, all squad members receive a 10% increase in CRIT Rate for 12 seconds.

MC 5
Jack of All Trades
All skill levels +2

MC 6
Break the Limit
When Anton’s Piledriver Attack lands a critical hit, his Basic Attack: Enthusiastic Drills (Burst Mode) and Dodge Counter: Overload Drill (Burst Mode) deal an additional 4% DMG for 30s, stacking up to 6 times. Each subsequent critical hit refreshes the duration of this effect.
Anton Build
Anton Best W-Engine
Anton Best Disk Drives
Anton Best Main Stats
IV: Crit DMG / Crit Rate
V: Electric DMG
Anton Best Sub Stats
Crit DMG / Crit Rate
PEN Ratio
Anton Skill Priority


Basic ATK

Special ATK

Ultimate ATK
Anton Ascension Material

Anton Total Materials
Ascension Materials

Basic Offense Certification Seal

Advanced Offense Certification Seal

Pioneer’s Certification Seal

Skill Upgrade Materials

Basic Shock Chip

Advanced Shock Chip

Specialized Shock Chip

Hamster Cage Pass

Core Skill Materials

Living Drive

Higher Dimensional Data – Steel Malice

Skill Upgrade Materials Per Level

Core Skill Materials Per Level

Voice Actors
Kamio Shinichiro (神尾 晋一郎)
Xiāo Dí (萧翟)